Sunday, July 27, 2014

Where to fix broken phone screen

That one minute when your phone breaks and your heart tend to stop is one situation experienced by too many a phone owner. Fixing the phone on your own might prove to be such a daunting task, especially if you pose zero handy skills. There has been an alarming emergence of many technicians claiming to repair broken phones everywhere and it is easy to be vulnerable and land in the hands of a dubious phone technician. This might cost you a lot in terms of cost and perhaps your phone.

The trick is to find a genuine technician who will address the ailment of your phone with top-notch attention. If your phone is insured or under warranty, you might get lucky and have, your phone repaired at a small or zero fees. However, if your phone has exhausted the warranty period, or it is uninsured, then you might need the services of a technician. 

Factors to consider when looking for a technician
1.      Reputation; this is key when searching for a technician worth his salt. You can start by enquiring about his previous records and experience.
2.      Skills and qualification; a professional technician should possess certificates and other papers that approve him as a worthy professional. Do not shy from asking him to fish out his qualifications if you doubt his skills. Remember that your phone is your treasure and if it is to be left in the hands of a technician, you have every right to be concerned.
3.      Dealer approved; if you are using a smart phone such as an iPhone, then you are in luck as there are various iPhone dealer approved technicians everywhere.
4.      Referrals; consult your friends and neighbors who have had their phones repaired and ask them to point you to a professional. If your technician is unable to address the situation of your phone, you could ask him to refer you to another professional in your local area.
5.      Fees; this is a tricky factor because while it is important to look for a technician who charges a pocket friendly fee, it is also important to ensure that you do not compromise professionalism with the fee charged.
6.      Reliability and efficiency; it is important to look for a technician that keeps his word and his time. Staying offline because of a slow technician is a no-no.  In addition, find a technician who re-assembles your phone in a compact manner such that you do not have to worry about missing screws and cables. 

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